The Peter A Krusch Nature Preserve Endowment

The Town of Cambridge now has a Peter A Krusch Nature Preserve Endowment, established at the Vermont Community Foundation in 2023. Donations to establish the fund came from generous individuals intending to support the Krusch Nature Preserve into the future: one donor gave $25,000 to establish the endowment and a second anonymous gift of $10,000 came soon after, which increased the total to $35,000.

This endowment fund will be held permanently, allowing donors to support a cause they care about in perpetuity. An endowment gift comes with the intent to preserve the original value of the gift, and to grow it over time. The Preserve Endowment funds will be held in perpetuity and invested, with the annual income on the investment available for Preserve special projects, such as developing educational programs or materials, above the Town-provided budget.

This Endowment is invested with the Vermont Community Foundation, a well-respected and substantial Vermont organization established in 1986 with the mission to grow philanthropy in the state by ensuring that both donors and nonprofits have the resources they need to be effective. Interest from the Endowment will come to the Town, restricted to use for the Preserve.

Although there may be fundraising necessary for special Preserve projects, there will be no general fundraising campaign for the endowment. Additions are expected to come from time to time through bequests and special gifts. Donations can be made to the Town of Cambridge, specifying for the Krusch Preserve Endowment, and are tax deductible. People can donate either cash and non-cash assets – such as stocks or mutual funds. Contact Sally Laughlin, Chair of the Krusch Preserve Committee, for more information at